How long is the walk at Ormiston Gorge?

How long is the walk at Ormiston Gorge?

Ormiston Gorge is a beautiful destination located in the West MacDonnell Ranges of Central Australia. It is known for its stunning natural beauty, including towering red cliffs, a picturesque waterhole, and diverse flora and fauna. One of the popular activities for visitors is hiking, and many people often wonder how long the walk at Ormiston Gorge is. In this article, we will explore the various walking trails and their durations, allowing you to plan your visit accordingly.

Main Walking Trails

Ormiston Gorge offers several walking trails, catering to different fitness levels and preferences. Here are the main trails:

Ghost Gum Lookout Trail

The Ghost Gum Lookout Trail is a short and easy walk suitable for all ages and fitness levels. It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and offers stunning panoramic views of the gorge and surrounding landscapes. This trail is perfect for those who want a quick and rewarding walk while enjoying the breathtaking scenery.

Waterhole Circuit Trail

The Waterhole Circuit Trail is a moderate walk that takes around 1 hour to complete. It encompasses the beautiful waterhole and provides opportunities for swimming and relaxing in the tranquil surroundings. The trail offers a closer look at the diverse plant life and wildlife that call Ormiston Gorge home. Make sure to bring your swimsuit and towel if you wish to take a refreshing dip!

Ormiston Pound Walk

How long is the walk at Ormiston Gorge?

For those seeking a longer and more challenging hike, the Ormiston Pound Walk is a great option. This trail is a loop track that takes approximately 3-4 hours to complete. It takes you through the rugged gorge, offering breathtaking views of the imposing cliffs and unique rock formations. Keep in mind that this trail requires a moderate level of fitness and sturdy footwear.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips to enhance your experience at Ormiston Gorge:

  • Carry plenty of water, especially during the hot summer months, to stay hydrated.
  • Wear sunscreen, a hat, and suitable clothing to protect yourself from the sun’s rays.
  • Check the weather conditions before embarking on any walk and adjust your plans accordingly.
  • Respect the natural environment by disposing of rubbish properly and staying on designated trails.

The duration of the walk at Ormiston Gorge varies depending on the trail you choose. Whether you opt for a short and easy stroll or a longer, more challenging hike, the beauty of the gorge and its surroundings will leave you awestruck. So lace up your hiking boots, pack your essentials, and embark on an unforgettable adventure exploring the stunning Ormiston Gorge!

Ormiston Gorge